Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Young Men, Violence and National Tragedy

Here's a couple excerpts from an article on "Young Men, Violence and National Tragedy" from the good people over at Click here for the full article.

"The Church has been in defensive mode for too long, trying to amuse youth into sticking around, when what young people really need is a strong challenge to rise up to Christ’s mission and a community that will empower them to do it."
. . .
"Statistically speaking, most violence throughout history has been perpetrated by young men. But most revivals have been started by them, too. It's time to stop selling our sons short, and start believing in them again. They have incredible potential for both good and evil. Let's do everything we can to tip the scales in the right direction."

Compelling stuff to think about as we challenge our young men to be, make, grow as, and remain devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Ironically, I also came across this video shortly after reading this article.

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