Monday, July 8, 2013

Suggested Reading and Watching/Listening

From Lifeway and Dr. Dan DeWitt:

The Apostle John once said that his greatest joy was to know that his children walked in truth. This is surely the supreme ambition, or at least it should be, for every Christian parent. But secular challenges will come and we carry within us a nagging hunch that our teenagers will face them head on in ways that we can hardly imagine. Every God-fearing, Bible-believing, church-attending parent wants equipped progeny who are prepared to "understand their times," not unlike the sons of Issachar (see 1 Chronicles 12:32).
I'd like to offer three broad attitudes parents should develop about the gospel that can serve as boundaries for how they instruct their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

 ...The Gospel Is True...The Gospel Is Powerful...The Gospel Is Absolute... (keep reading)

I had other articles set aside, but my iPhone ate them. : (

You would also benefit from this sermon by David Platt: HERE
(It's going to offer you a chance to sign-up for stuff, but there is also an option to continue without signing up.)

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