Thursday, February 21, 2013

Setting Boundaries for Online Sharing

Setting Boundaries for Online Sharing

by Ryan Mason on Thursday, February 07, 201

Unless you have been hiding under a very large rock, you know the popularity explosion of social media among teens. This frenzy now spans across multiple generations with people tagging, pinning, posting, and tweeting about their lives.

Social media has made our world much smaller and better in many ways. You are literally a few clicks away from connecting with a school classmate, watching your friends' children or your own grandchildren grow up hundreds of miles away. You can share your Aunt Hazel's award-winning casserole recipe with complete strangers or let everyone know what you did last weekend.

Employers and even college admissions officials are now trolling through social media sites to get the backstory about potential candidates. However, the joys of social media can quickly become clouded with confusion over knowing the right amount of personal information to share. How do you know if you are guilty of sharing TMI (too much information)?

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