Sunday, December 15, 2013

Prayer List

We were all together again this past Wednesday, so while there are two lists, they aren't divided into Senior and Junior Youth. In fact, some of them wrote their names on both lists... Go fig.

Additionally, continue to pray for me (Paul) as I continue to recover from my neck surgery in the coming weeks. Yes, I am somewhat better, but I still have a lot of healing to do before I'm 100%.

Finally, please be in prayer for us as we prepare for the LibertyYouth and Kids Christmas Play coming up on Sunday, Dec. 22, at 5PM. We have rehearsal from 6PM to 7PM on Wednesday, and then one last chance to hammer things out right before the presentation on Sunday. Pray for Mary Kelley especially, since she has shouldered the bulk of planning and directing it this year, as well as for Cindy, Rhonda, Ann, Amy, Tina, Jessica, and all the other adults we'll put to use before it's over.

[The above lists are posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth. Never use any information contained on such lists in any potentially hurtful or negative manner. If you feel that something should be edited off of a list, please contact Paul directly.]

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Prayer List Plus

Wednesday, December  4th was our International Missions Focus Night, and all the LibertyYouth were together in one class. The list below is missing some people because the total headcount in the youth room was 30 that night.

Additionally, my (Paul's) surgery to alleviate a herniated disc in my neck has come and gone. I am recovering well, though I still feel like I have a golf ball caught in my throat. I had to stay home from church today because I'm not supposed to ride in a car for a week, but I plan on cutting that short by a day to be back at church on Wednesday night (12.11.2013).

Be in prayer for the LibertyYouth and Children as we prepare for the Christmas Presentation which is on December 22 at 5PM.

[The above lists is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth. Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner. If you feel that something should be edited off of a list, please contact Paul directly.]