Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Prayer List

[The above list is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth.  Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner.  If you feel that something should be edited off of the list, please contact Paul directly.]

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Prayer List

[The above list is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth.  Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner.  If you feel that something should be edited off of the list, please contact Paul directly.]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Prayer List

[The above list is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth.  Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner.  If you feel that something should be edited off of the list, please contact Paul directly.]

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prayer List

*Summer and Paul both have the address for Tyler Melton for anyone who wants to write him a letter or send a card.  I'm not posting it here because it's bad form to post someones contact info on the internet.  It's on the bulletin board in the youth room, or you can ask me via comment, email, or facebook and I'll get it to you.*

[The above list is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth.  Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner.  If you feel that something should be edited off of the list, please contact Paul directly.]

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Prayer List

*Summer and Paul both have the address for Tyler Melton for anyone who wants to write him a letter or send a card.  I'm not posting it here because it's bad form to post someones contact info on the internet.  It's on the bulletin board in the youth room, or you can ask me via comment, email, or facebook and I'll get it to you.*

[The above list is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth.  Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner.  If you feel that something should be edited off of the list, please contact Paul directly.]

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Liberty Youth in Chicago's Magnificent Mile

Two weeks ago, The Pride of Tallassee Marching Band (which just happens to include a number of Liberty Youth) went to Chicago to march in the 2010 Magnificent Mile Lights Festival.  Below is the local ABC affiliate's coverage.  The word on the street is that the whole parade will be aired down here on Dec. 11, but details are sketchy.  The clip is over 18 minutes long, and the THS band is at the end of it.  You have to let the whole clip load before you can skip ahead (or at least I had to), so you'll want to hit play, then pause it, then do something else for about 10 minutes, then check to see how much is loaded.  Don't click on the progress bar past where it displays a time, you'll likely confuse their system and have to reload the clip if you do.  Enjoy.