Thursday, September 30, 2010

More Info Than You Can Handle about Demons

As we've been working our way through the Gospel According to Mark, I've consistently gotten the same questions every time we come to a story in which Jesus casts out demons.  We are not ready, as a group, for me to teach exhaustively on demons and spiritual warfare.  Even if we were, Wednesday night is not the right setting, IMHO.  Therefor, I'm posting some links that will hopefully answer some of the questions.

All of the links below point to resources of Mars Hill Church, in Seattle, Washington.  The pastor of Mars Hill is Mark Driscoll, and I obviously respect him and his teaching.  That said, I can respect someone without agreeing with EVERYTHING he says.  I point you to Pastor Driscoll's teaching with the trust that anyone interested enough looking further into these matters also is mature enough to think through what he says with discernment.

If you are likely to only listen to a little bit of what is linked to here, then you should scroll down to the Q&As below about Jesus and Demons.  If you have the appetite for it, start here and work your way down. - This is a 3 part seminar plus a Q&A session on spiritual warfare, and here ( is Driscoll's blog post containing notes on the seminar.

Pastor Mark Driscoll is teaching through Luke's Gospel, and has come through some of the same stories we covered in Mark's account.  Below are three sermons concerning demons.  After the first sermon, there are two Q&A sessions in which Driscoll answers questions text messaged to him by members of the congregation.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Prayer List

[The above list is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth.  Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner.  If you feel that something should be edited off of the list, please contact Paul directly.]

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Prayer List

[The above list is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth.  Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner.  If you feel that something should be edited off of the list, please contact Paul directly.]

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Prayer List

[The above list is posted in order that you may pray for the matters on the hearts of the Liberty Youth.  Never use any information contained on such a list in any potentially hurtful or negative manner.  If you feel that something should be edited off of the list, please contact Paul directly.]

I Did It!!!

Well kids, I finally got my junk together and started a blog for our youth group at Liberty Baptist Church in Tallassee, AL.  The main purpose of this blog will be to post the weekly prayer request lists.  I'll post them as images, so you don't have to worry about people Googling your name and it bringing them to a list of all your problems.  I'll also use this blog to post news, info, and other helpful stuff from time to time.

Until we meet again,
Daddy Paul